Chronological Portfolio
Full of Beans Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Glasgow, UK: Public health bean & legume focused research & public campaign evaluation, funded by The Scottish Alliance for Food.
Private Workshop: Plot26 Urban Roots Community Garden “Queer Ecologies in the Herbal Garden”
Public Lecture, British Ornithological Trust, United Kingdom. “Queering Bird: A Primer”
Pride in STEM Grant & Workshop Series: Royal Institution Lecture, ‘Wet and Wild: A Queer Marine Ecologies Co-Created Educational Programme - Value: £1000
Sonification Soundscape Installation, Glasgow Botanic Gardens for Sound Thought, UK: “AUTOAVIA” (dawn chorus recording, volume representation, rush hour)
Sonification Soundscape, Astral Discs EP, Glasgow UK: “Regolith II” (moon crater data, black hole)
Artist in Residence: TUO TUO Arts, Finland. Focus: Phyto-sonification, research, writing, performance.
Public Lecture: The Royal Wildlife Trusts, United Kingdom. “Queer Ecologies: A Workshop Primer” (Online, 500 attendees)
Conference Paper - Workshops and Lecture: Advance Higher Education Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom. “Integrating Intersectionality into Academic Leadership”, “Navigating Power Dynamics in Doctoral Supervision – A Conversation Card Game” (In person, 100 attendees)
Academic Publication: “REVEILLE2 thermosensitive splicing: a molecular basis for the integration of nocturnal temperature information by the Arabidopsis circadian clock” James, A.B., Sharples, C., Laird, J., Armstrong, E.M., Guo, W., Tzioutziou, N., Zhang, R., Brown, J.W., Nimmo, H.G. and Jones, M.A., 2024. New Phytologist, 241(1), pp.283-297.
· Senior Postdoctoral Researcher: CONNECTED Virus Network - BBSRC Network Funded Integrated Pest Management project, University of Bristol.
· Research Communication Workshop: Natural Environment Research Council funded Envision Doctoral Training partnership. “Communicating Your Research: An Integrated Approach” (In person, 30 attendees).
· Research Communication Workshop – Full Day: National Oceanography Centre & The University of Southampton, United Kingdom. “Communicating Your Research and Navigating Public Engagement” (In person, 30 attendees x 2).
· Summer School Lead: The Gatsby Charitable Foundation at the University of Cambridge. “Rootstock: Communicating Plant Science” (In-person, 70 attendees)
· Public Engagement with Plants: Ecological and Horticultural Engagement with Urban Gardens. Engagement Specialist and Project Manager, funded by the British Ecological Society and Hosted at the Hidden Gardens Glasgow (In person, 15 core members, 150 attendees).
· Poetry: Matters of Consent Chapbook; ‘Rain with Sharp Teeth’. ISSN: 1234-5679
· Career’s Lecture: Royal Society of Biology Careers Day, Sheffield Hallam University (In person, 100 attendees).
· Educational Performance: Cheltenham Science Festival, United Kingdom. “Plants Are Boring!” (In person, 700 attendees)
· Workshop and Lecture: Landworker’s Alliance Land Skills Fair, Gloucester, United Kingdom, “Cultivating Kin: A Queer Ecology Primer” (In person, 250 attendees)
· Workshop and Lecture: Glasgow School of Art, United Kingdom, “Cultivating Kin: A Queer Ecology Primer” (In person, 30 attendees)
· Autoethnographic Lecture: Inclusivity Matters! University of Exeter, United Kingdom, “Gender and LGBTQIA+ Experiences in Biosciences” (Online, 40 attendees)
· Guided Audio Installation: The Sentient Garden at Forgan Art’s Centre, Fife, Scotland. “Conversations with Plants: A Guide to Plant Senses” (In person, online, 40 attendees).
· Conference Lecture: Society of Experimental Biology’s Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. “Proactive Inclusion in Biosciences” (In person, 50 attendees).
· Lecture and Workshop: Seed Sovereignty Conference, The Gaia Foundation, United Kingdom. “Queer Botany for Seed Savers” (Online, 150 attendees).
· Academic Publication: “One hundred important questions facing plant science: an international perspective”. Emily May Armstrong, Emily R Larson, Helen Harper,… Claire S Grierson 2023. New Phytologist, 238(2), pp.470-481.
· Academic Publication: “One hundred important questions for plant science–reflecting on a decade of plant research.” Larson, E.R., Armstrong, E.M., Harper, H., Knapp, S., Edwards, K.J., Grierson, D., Poppy, G., Chase, M.W., Jones, J.D., Bastow, R. Jellis, G., Grierson, C.S. 2023. New Phytologist, 238(2), pp.464-469.
· Public Workshop Series: Glasgow Seed Library, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, Scotland. Funded by Climate Fringe. “How Plants Learn: Stress in the garden: how climate impacts how plants grow; From environment to genes: how plants remember and adapt; Adversity and diversity: seed saving, evolution and resilience” (Online, 60 attendees)
· Public Lecture and Workshop: Deveron Projects, Huntly, Aberdeen, Scotland. “Plant Thinking: Exploring Greener Possibilities” (3-part workshop, in-person, 30 attendees)
· Academic Publication: “Cell-type specific transcriptional networks in root xylem adjacent cell layers.” Armstrong, E.M., Asensi Fabado, M.A., Walker, L., Perrella, G., Hamilton, G., Herzyk, P., Gifford, M.L. and Amtmann, A., 2022. bioRxiv, pp.2022-02
· Research Communication Workshop: Natural Environment Research Council funded Envision Doctoral Training partnership. “Communicating Your Research: An Integrated Approach” (In person, 30 attendees).
· Five-day Residential Learning Course Attendance: John Rhyder School of Bushcraft, Sussex, England. “Ethnobotany: Practical Herbalism and Plant Identification”. Pass with full marks.
· 6-Month Level 1 Training Course: Grass Roots Remedies, Glasgow, Scotland. “Wild Things: A Year of Wild Food and Medicine”. Pass.
· Conference Dinner Guest of Honour: Society of Experimental Biology, Montpellier, France. “Proactive Inclusivity: A Reflection on Disability and Life Sciences” (In person, 150 attendees)
· Academic Grant: University of Glasgow Chancellor’s Fund, Glasgow, Scotland. Value: £13,000. “Developing Support Resources for Disabled Researchers”
· Academic Grant: Society of Experimental Biology, University of Glasgow Researcher Development. Value: £5000 “Developing Support Resources for Disabled Researchers
· Public Engagement with Plants: Fascination of Plants Day, University of Bristol, United Kingdom. “Understanding the Biggest Threats to Plants Globally” (Online, 300 participants).
· Research Communication Workshop: Natural Environment Research Council funded Envision Doctoral Training partnership. “Communicating Your Research: An Integrated Approach” (In person, 30 attendees).
· PhD Thesis Submission: University of Glasgow, Scotland. “Identifying Epigenetically Regulated Tissue Specific Transcription Factors in Arabidopsis thaliana”. Supervisor: Prof Anna Amtmann
· Senior Postdoctoral Research Assistant: University of Bristol, United Kingdom. “One Hundred Plant Science Questions: A Global Approach”. Year-long project, remote. Supervisor: Prof Claire Grierson.
· Postdoctoral Research Assistant: University of Glasgow, Scotland. “Identifying temporal-thermosensing alternative splicing mechanisms in Arabidopsis” 6-month project. Supervisor: Dr Matt Jones.
· Lecture: Wellcome Collection, London, United Kingom. “DNA Diversity and Difference: Understanding our Genes” (In person, 150 attendees).
· Public Lecture: 16 Nicholson Street Gallery Glasgow, part of the “Our World/The World To Come” exhibition. “A History of Memory in DNA – Genetic Trauma in Plants and People” (In-person, 50 attendees)
· Public Lecture: Glasgow University Magazine, Glasgow. “Dismantling the Art-Science Binary” (In-person, 70 attendees)
· Videography: University of Glasgow, Scotland. “Integrating Accessibility into Conferences” – Whiteboard style animation.
· Invited Essay: Biochemist Magazine, “Plant-Based Biomaterials” (Online, in-print)
· Conference Poster: Plant, Cell, and Environment 40th Anniversary Symposium. 1st Place Award Winner.
· Scientific Feature Article: The Glasgow Insight into Science and Technology. “Abolishing Anonymity: Implications of Genetic Sequencing Technologies” – Awarded ‘Best Biology Article 2019’.
· Videography: Impact in 60 Seconds Competition. “Getting to the Root of the Matter” 1st place winner.
· Videography: Biochemist Visual Communication. “Getting to the Root of the Matter” 1st Place Winner.
· Academic Publication: EZ-Root-VIS: A Software Pipeline for the Rapid Analysis and Visual Reconstruction of Root System Architecture. Zaigham Shahzad, Fabian Kellermeier, Emily M. Armstrong, Simon Rogers, Guillaume Lobet, Anna Amtmann, Adrian Hills, , Plant Physiology, Volume 177, Issue 4, August 2018, Pages 1368–1381
· Master’s by Research: University of Glasgow. “Histone Demethylation as a Regulator of Root System Architecture” - 2018
· Bachelors of Science (Honours): University of Essex – Genetics with Ecology and Climate Change, First Class.